Такого робота, который умеет ползать по верёвке, можно собрать из LEGO и мотор-редуктора. А чтобы роботом можно было управлять при помощи хлопков в ладоши — нужно только добавить ему «слух» в виде модуля микрофона и контроллера Arduino Nano.
Видео с инструкцией по сборке робота
В качестве драйвера двигателя используется L298N, а модуль микрофона — электретный микрофон с усилителем на MAX4466.
Код прошивки для Arduino
/* Zipline robot's speed control with clapping The idea: In this code, we want to control the speed of our zipline robot with clapping so that the faster you clap the faster it goes. To do so, we added a microphone to the project. By measuring the loudness of the environment's sound, we determine whether the robot must stop or go. The circuit: - In this circuit, an Arduino nano is used. Any other types of Arduino can be used of course but do not forget to change the pin configurations if you want to change the circuit on your preference. Visit Tart Robotics blog for more information: https://www.tartrobotics.com/blog */ #define micPin A6 #define motorPinA 9 #define motorPinB 10 #define motorPinPWM 11 void setup() { // Initialize Arduino pins to outputs pinMode(motorPinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(motorPinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(motorPinPWM, OUTPUT); } unsigned int sample, clapTime = 0; void loop() { unsigned long samplingBeginning = millis(); unsigned int loudness = 0; unsigned int signalMax = 0; unsigned int signalMin = 1024; // Sample microphone data while (millis() - samplingBeginning < 100) { sample = analogRead(micPin); // Measure min and max value of the signal if (sample > signalMax) signalMax = sample; else if (sample < signalMin) signalMin = sample; } loudness = signalMax - signalMin; // Referesh the clapTime if a clap is detected if (peakToPeak > 300) clapTime = millis(); // Run the motor if a clap is detected recently if (millis() - clapTime < 200)runTheMotor(); else stopTheMotor(); } // Motor driver pin configuration to run void runTheMotor() { digitalWrite(motorPinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorPinB, LOW); analogWrite(motorPinPWM, 255); } // Motor driver pin configuration to stop void stopTheMotor() { digitalWrite(motorPinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorPinB, HIGH); analogWrite(motorPinPWM, 0); }
A DIY Zipline Robot with Arduino, Lego, and 3D Printed Parts
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