При помощи контроллера Arduino можно собрать простейший детектор металла.
Кроме контроллера, для этого понадобится всего несколько деталей: катушка из проволоки (60 витков провода 0.4 мм, диаметр — 6.3 см), резистор (100 Ом) и конденсатор (10 мкФ). Для звуковой индикации используется обычный бузер.
Используя Arduino Nano и 9-вольтовую батарейку (типа Крона) — можно уместить всё устройство в коробочку из-под тик-така.
Код для Arduino — metal_detector.ino
//Metal detector based on pulse delay in LR circuit //Connect a coil beween pin 10 and pin 8, //a 100 Ohm resistor between pin 8 and ground, //a speaker in series with a 10muF capacitor between pin 12 and ground, //a reset-button between A0 and ground. //Reference coil: 60 turns, diameter 6cm, AWG26 (0.4mm) wire. L~300muH, R~2Ohm // //R. Oldeman Oct 11 2020, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence #define debug false //some parameters #define sensitivity 5000 //threshold as a fraction of reference #define aimtime 160000 //aim for measurement every 160k cycles (=10ms) #define LEDpulselen 16000 //length of the LED pulse in clock cycles #define cycles 40 //number of clock cycles reserved for calculations #define printfrac 50 //fraction of measurements printed when in debug mode //pin definitions - cannot change freely! #define pulsepin 10 //must be pin 10 - TIMER1B output #define probepin 8 //must be pin 8 - input capture pin #define LEDpin 13 //if changed also need to update the direct-port writing #define soundpin 12 //if changed also need to update the direct-port writing #define resetpin A0 //can be changed freely //global variables - shared between main loop and measurement function long int imeas=0; //counts the number of measurements performed int absdiff; //absolute value of difference wrt reference long int phase=0; //tracks integral of absdiff long int phasemax; //value at which the phase counter turns over int LEDcycles=0; //number of cycles that the LED pin stays high int LEDcycle=0; //cycle index of the LED pulse void setup() { noInterrupts(); //disable all inerrupts to avoid glitches if(debug)Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(pulsepin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pulsepin,LOW); pinMode(probepin,INPUT); pinMode(LEDpin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LEDpin,LOW); pinMode(soundpin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(soundpin,LOW); pinMode(resetpin,INPUT_PULLUP); //setup timer1 to FASTPWM on pin 10 TCCR1A=0B00100011; TCCR1B=0B00011001; } //perform measurement of delay of the trailing edge long int meas(int period, int minlen, int maxlen, int steplen, int nloop){ long int sum=0; int nmiss=0; OCR1A=period; //set the period TIFR1 |= 0B00000001; //clear the timer overflow bit for(int iloop=0; iloopphasemax){ phase-=phasemax; LEDcycle=LEDcycles; PORTB=(PORTB|0B00100000); //switch on LED PORTB=(PORTB^0B00010000); //invert sound pin - click! } //switch off LED when it's been on long enough if(LEDcycle>0){ LEDcycle--; if(LEDcycle==0)PORTB=(PORTB&(!0B00100000)); } } } if (nmiss>0)sum=0; //invalidate the result if there have been missing pulses return sum; } //flash LED with error code indefinitely if there's been an error void go_error(byte errorcode){ if(debug){ Serial.print("ERROR "); Serial.print(errorcode); if(errorcode==1)Serial.println(": No pulse on probe pin - check connections"); if(errorcode==2)Serial.println(": Delay too short - try more windings"); if(errorcode==3)Serial.println(": Delay too long - try fewer windings"); if(errorcode==4)Serial.println(": No robust pulse on pulselength scan - check coil resistance"); } //enable in interrupts to use delay() and flash to indicate error code interrupts(); while(true){ for(byte i=0; i 800)go_error(3); // too long //choose pulsing parmeters based on measured delay time int minlen=3*tau; int maxlen=5*tau; int period=maxlen+2*tau+cycles; LEDcycles=LEDpulselen/period+1; // repeat loop or speed up loop to approach aimed duration of measurement int steplen=1; int nloop=1; float tottime=float(period)*(maxlen-minlen); if (tottime>aimtime*(3.0/2.0)) steplen=round(tottime/aimtime); if (tottime 0)ref+=1; //absorb slow drifts if(diff<0)ref-=1; } if(debug){ sum+=diff; sumsq+=long(diff)*long(diff); if (imeas%printfrac==0){ float mean=float(sum)/printfrac; float rms=sqrt( (float(sumsq)/printfrac) - pow(mean,2.0) ); Serial.print(imeas); Serial.print(" val ref diff phase "); Serial.print(val); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(ref); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(diff); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(mean); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(rms); Serial.println(""); sum=0; sumsq=0; } } imeas++; } }
Minimal Arduino Metal Detector
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Металлоискатель на Arduino
Arduino, термины, начало работы
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