Для освещения аквариума, Kalle Hyvönen использовал четыре мощных белых светодиода (закреплённых на паре радиаторов), а для более интеллектуального освещения, он подключил их к контроллеру Arduino, который управляет импульсным источником питания светодиодов, с помощью PWM.
Также, автор реализовал возможность автоматического переключения света и возможность изменения графика освещения при помощи команд через последовательный порт (USB).
#include <SPI.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include "pins_arduino.h" // RTC registry addresses #define HOURS_WRITE 0x82 #define HOURS 0x02 #define MINUTES_WRITE 0x81 #define MINUTES 0x01 #define SECONDS_WRITE 0x80 #define SECONDS 0x00 #define ALARM2_HOURS_WRITE 0x8C #define ALARM2_HOURS 0x0C #define ALARM2_MINUTES_WRITE 0x8B #define ALARM2_MINUTES 0x0B #define ALARM1_HOURS_WRITE 0x89 #define ALARM1_HOURS 0x09 #define ALARM1_MINUTES_WRITE 0x88 #define ALARM1_MINUTES 0x08 #define ALARM1_SECONDS_WRITE 0x87 #define ALARM1_SECONDS 0x07 #define ALARM1_DATE_WRITE 0x8A #define ALARM1_DATE 0x0A #define CONTROL_WRITE 0x8E #define CONTROL 0x0E #define STATUS_WRITE 0x8F #define STATUS 0x0F // define pin connected to the RTC alarm (!INT) pin #define ALARM 2 // define the pin which is connected to the LED driver #define LED 3 // this sets the maximum PWM level for brightness int max_brightness = 255; // this sets the timing period, ie. for how long the lights are on (in hours) char timing_period = 11; // variable so we know if we are going to increase or decrease the PWM value bool direction_up = true; // this variable sets how many interrupts (they come in once a second) it takes to change the PWM value int pwm_speed = 3; // these variables not for the user to modify int brightness = 0; char incomingByte = 0x00; int interrupt_cycle = 0; bool enabled = true; void setup() { noInterrupts(); // define IO pinMode(ALARM, INPUT); pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ALARM, HIGH); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); pwm_speed = EEPROM.read(0x01); timing_period = EEPROM.read(0x02); // check if the eeprom was empty or not if(pwm_speed == 0xff) { pwm_speed = 0; } if(timing_period == 0xff) { timing_period = 11; } // start UART Serial.begin(9600); // set SPI mode 3 SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE3); // set SPI clock to system clock / 16 ie. 1MHz SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // enable SPI SPI.begin(); if(EEPROM.read(0x00) == 0) { enabled = false; enableAlarm1(false); enableAlarm2(false); brightness = 0; invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } else { enabled = true; enableAlarm1(true); enableAlarm2(true); // set A2M4 bit (needed for alarm) writeRTC(0x8D, 0x80); // disable both alarm flags, leave other bits untouched writeRTC(STATUS_WRITE, (readRTC(STATUS)&0xFC)); // check the time and see if we should put the lights on or off checkTime(); } // attach RTC alarm to interrupt on pin 2 attachInterrupt(0, changePWM, FALLING); interrupts(); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { // read the incoming byte: incomingByte = Serial.read(); switch(incomingByte) { // if we get the symbol "t", we want to read the temperature from the RTC case 0x74: Serial.flush(); initTempConv(); // wait for the conversion to finish delay(250); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(readRTC(0x11), DEC); Serial.print("."); // figure out the decimals, does not work, needs fixing... switch (readRTC(0x12)) { case 0x00: Serial.print("0"); break; case 0x40: Serial.print("25"); break; case 0x80: Serial.print("50"); break; case 0xC0: Serial.print("75"); break; } Serial.println("C"); break; // if we receive symbol "h" which has to be followed by an ascii number value for the hours (eg. 01 or 13) case 0x68: incomingByte = hoursToBCD(readAsciiHours()); checkAndWrite(HOURS_WRITE, incomingByte); printTime(); checkTime(); break; // if we receive symbol "m" which has to be followed by a value for the minutes register (the amount of minutes straight in hex, like 0x40 is 40 minutes etc.) case 0x6D: incomingByte = minutesToBCD(readAsciiMinutes()); checkAndWrite(MINUTES_WRITE, incomingByte); printTime(); checkTime(); break; // if we receive symbol "s" which has to be followed by a value for the seconds register (the amount of seconds straight in hex) case 0x73: incomingByte = minutesToBCD(readAsciiMinutes()); checkAndWrite(SECONDS_WRITE, incomingByte); printTime(); break; // if we receive symbol "a" which has to be followed by an int value for the alarm2 hours (ie. convert decimal to hex) case 0x61: incomingByte = hoursToBCD(readAsciiHours()); checkAndWrite(ALARM2_HOURS_WRITE, incomingByte); printAlarm2(); checkTime(); break; // if we receive symbol "b" which has to be followed by a value for the alarm2 minutes register (the amount of minutes straight in hex) case 0x62: incomingByte = minutesToBCD(readAsciiMinutes()); checkAndWrite(ALARM2_MINUTES_WRITE, incomingByte); printAlarm2(); checkTime(); break; // if we receive symbol "c" which has to be followed by the timing_period value as ascii case 0x63: incomingByte = readAsciiHours(); if(incomingByte > 0) { timing_period = incomingByte; EEPROM.write(0x02, timing_period); checkTime(); } printTp(); break; // if we receive symbol "d" which has to be followed by the pwm_speed value as two-number ascii (eg "01") case 0x64: incomingByte = readAsciiMinutes(); pwm_speed = incomingByte; EEPROM.write(0x01, pwm_speed); printPwmSpeed(); break; // if we get symbol "e", disable or enable the alarms case 0x65: if(enabled == true) { enableAlarm1(false); enableAlarm2(false); Serial.println("Disabled"); enabled = false; EEPROM.write(0x00, 0); brightness = 0; invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } else { enableAlarm1(true); enableAlarm2(true); Serial.println("Enabled"); enabled = true; EEPROM.write(0x00, 1); checkTime(); } break; // if we receive symbol "p" which prints the current time and current alarm2 values to serial port case 0x70: printTime(); printAlarm2(); printAlarm1(); printTp(); printPwmSpeed(); if(enabled = true) { Serial.println("Enabled: yes"); } else { Serial.println("Enabled: no"); } break; // if we get LF ('\n') just do nothing and ignore it case 0x0A: break; default: Serial.flush(); // return input if it makes no sense and print some help Serial.println("Incorrect input"); Serial.println("Correct input (replace 00 with value):"); Serial.println("h00, m00, s00 to change the time"); Serial.println("a00, b00 to change the time of alarm"); Serial.println("c00 to change the timing period"); Serial.println("d00 to change the dimming speed"); Serial.println("p to print current values"); Serial.println("t to print temperature"); Serial.println("e to enable or disable"); } } } void changePWM() { // disable both alarm flags, leave other bits untouched writeRTC(STATUS_WRITE, (readRTC(STATUS)&0xFC)); switch (direction_up) { case true: if(brightness == 0) { // pwm_speed variable does not affect the first cycle setAlarm1_every_second(true); enableAlarm1(true); brightness++; invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } else { // if not enough interrupts have not occurred after last pwm change, just increase the interrupt_cycle timer if(interrupt_cycle == pwm_speed) { brightness++; interrupt_cycle = 0; if(brightness == max_brightness) { invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); direction_up = false; setAlarm1_every_second(false); // we are at full brightness, set alarm1 to timing_period ahead of alarm2 setAlarm1(); } else { invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } } else { interrupt_cycle++; } } break; case false: if(brightness == max_brightness) { setAlarm1_every_second(true); enableAlarm1(true); brightness--; invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } else { if(interrupt_cycle == pwm_speed) { brightness--; interrupt_cycle = 0; if(brightness == 0) { direction_up = true; enableAlarm1(false); invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } else { invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); } } else { interrupt_cycle++; } } break; } } void checkAndWrite(char reg, char val) { if(val >= 0x00) { writeRTC(reg, val); } else { Serial.println("Incorrect input"); } Serial.flush(); } // check the time and if we should put the lights on or off void checkTime() { int lighting_time = 0; int time = 0; lighting_time = convertTime(readRTC(ALARM2_HOURS), readRTC(ALARM2_MINUTES)) + (timing_period * 60); time = convertTime(readRTC(HOURS), readRTC(MINUTES)); if(lighting_time >= 1440) { lighting_time -= 1440; } // if the time is inside the lighting period, fire up the lights if(time < lighting_time && time > convertTime(readRTC(ALARM2_HOURS), readRTC(ALARM2_MINUTES))) { // make sure we are going to dim the lights next direction_up = false; brightness = max_brightness; invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); // set control bits, enable both of the alarms writeRTC(CONTROL_WRITE, 0x07); // set alarm1 to timing_period ahead of alarm2 setAlarm1(); // set A1M4 bit to enable hours, minutes, seconds match for alarm1 setAlarm1_every_second(false); } else { direction_up = true; brightness = 0; invAnalogWrite(LED, brightness); // disable alarm1 enableAlarm1(false); } } char convertAsciiNumber(char character) { // deduct 0x30 from the ascii character to get a number return (character - 0x30); } // converts hours from BCD to int char convertHours(char hours) { char temp = 0x00; // check tens of hours if(((hours >> 4)&1) == 1) { temp += 10; } // check 20h if(((hours >> 5)&1) == 1) { temp += 20; } // add all the remaining hours temp += hours&0x0F; return temp; } // converts time from register value to an int which contains amount of minutes passed int convertTime(char hours, char minutes) { int time = 0; // check tens of hours if(((hours >> 4)&1) == 1) { time += 600; } // check 20h if(((hours >> 5)&1) == 1) { time += 1200; } // add all the remaining hours time += (hours&0x0F)*60; time += (minutes >> 4)*10; time += minutes&0x0F; return time; } void enableAlarm1(bool val) { switch (val) { case true: writeRTC(CONTROL_WRITE, (readRTC(CONTROL)|0x01)); break; case false: // disable alarm1 writeRTC(CONTROL_WRITE, (readRTC(CONTROL)&0xFE)); break; } } void enableAlarm2(bool val) { switch (val) { case true: writeRTC(CONTROL_WRITE, (readRTC(CONTROL)|0x02)); break; case false: // disable alarm2 writeRTC(CONTROL_WRITE, (readRTC(CONTROL)&0xFD)); break; } } // converts hours as int to hours as BCD char hoursToBCD(char hours) { char temp = 0x00; if(hours >= 20) { // switch 20h bit temp = temp|0x20; hours -= 20; } else if(hours >= 10) { temp = temp|0x10; hours -= 10; } // add rest of the hours temp += hours; return temp; } void initTempConv() { writeRTC(CONTROL_WRITE, (readRTC(CONTROL)|0x20)); } void invAnalogWrite(int pin, int value) { analogWrite(pin, ~value); } char minutesToBCD(char minutes) { char temp = 0x00; // take off tens of minutes and add to temp until we have 10min or less while(minutes >= 10) { minutes -= 10; temp++; } // shift to make them tens of minutes in bcd temp = temp << 4; // add rest of the minutes if(minutes > 0) { temp += minutes; } return temp; } void printAlarm1() { Serial.print("Current alarm1: "); Serial.print(convertHours(readRTC(ALARM1_HOURS)), DEC); Serial.print(":"); // while printing the hours, ignore the config bit Serial.print((readRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES)&0x7F), HEX); Serial.print("\n"); } void printAlarm2() { Serial.print("Current alarm: "); Serial.print(convertHours(readRTC(ALARM2_HOURS)), DEC); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(readRTC(ALARM2_MINUTES), HEX); Serial.print("\n"); } void printTime() { Serial.print("Current time: "); Serial.print(convertHours(readRTC(HOURS)), DEC); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(readRTC(MINUTES), HEX); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(readRTC(SECONDS), HEX); Serial.print("\n"); } void printPwmSpeed() { Serial.print("Current PWM speed: "); Serial.print(pwm_speed, DEC); } void printTp() { Serial.print("Current timing period: "); Serial.print(timing_period, DEC); } char readAsciiHours() { char number1 = 0x00; char number2 = 0x00; char number = 0x00; // convert user input to an int value number1 = convertAsciiNumber(waitForByte()); number2 = convertAsciiNumber(waitForByte()); number = 10*number1 + number2; // check if the input makes any sense if(number >= 24 || number < 0) { Serial.println("Incorrect input"); number = 0x00; } return number; } // this works for seconds as well char readAsciiMinutes() { char number1 = 0x00; char number2 = 0x00; char number = 0x00; // convert user input to an int value number1 = convertAsciiNumber(waitForByte()); number2 = convertAsciiNumber(waitForByte()); number = 10*number1 + number2; // check if the input makes any sense if(number > 60 || number < 0) { Serial.println("Incorrect input"); number = 0x00; } return number; } char readRTC(char reg) { noInterrupts(); char temp = 0x00; digitalWrite(SS, LOW); SPI.transfer(reg); // dont write anything, just put out clock signal and read temp = SPI.transfer(0x00); digitalWrite(10, HIGH); interrupts(); return temp; } // set alarm1 to timing_period ahead of alarm2 void setAlarm1() { char hours = 0x00; // calculate hours for timer1 hours hours = (convertHours(readRTC(ALARM2_HOURS)) + timing_period); // if hours more than 24, deduct 24 for correct time if(hours >= 24) { hours -= 24; } // make sure we dont touch the A1M4 bit writeRTC(ALARM1_HOURS_WRITE, ((readRTC(ALARM1_HOURS)&0x80)|hoursToBCD(hours))); // set alarm1 minutes to same as alarm2, just the hours are alarm2_hours + timing period writeRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES_WRITE, ((readRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES)&0x80)|readRTC(ALARM2_MINUTES))); // set alarm1 seconds to 0 writeRTC(ALARM1_SECONDS_WRITE, ((readRTC(ALARM1_SECONDS)&0x80))); hours = 0x00; } void setAlarm1_every_second(bool val) { switch (val) { case true: // change A1M1 bit via bitmask to make alarm1 give alarms every second writeRTC(ALARM1_SECONDS_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_SECONDS)|0x80)); // change A1M2 bit via bitmask writeRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES)|0x80)); // change A1M3 bit via bitmask writeRTC(ALARM1_HOURS_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_HOURS)|0x80)); // change A1M4 bit via bitmask writeRTC(ALARM1_DATE_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_DATE)|0x80)); break; case false: // change A1M1 bit via bitmask to make alarm1 give alarms when hours, seconds, and minutes match writeRTC(ALARM1_SECONDS_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_SECONDS)&0x7F)); // change A1M2 bit via bitmask writeRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_MINUTES)&0x7F)); // change A1M3 bit via bitmask writeRTC(ALARM1_HOURS_WRITE, (readRTC(ALARM1_HOURS)&0x7F)); break; } } char waitForByte() { char temp = 0x00; // wait for the UART to fill up while(Serial.available() == 0) { } temp = Serial.read(); return temp; } void writeRTC(char reg, char val) { noInterrupts(); digitalWrite(SS, LOW); // select register SPI.transfer(reg); // print value to register SPI.transfer(val); digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); interrupts(); }
LED aquarium lighting with an Arduino based PWM timer