Простой Arduino-робот на одном моторе и сервомашинке

Данный проект — это пример изготовления простого Arduino-робота.
Для повторения данной конструкции понадобятся:
* Arduino — 1,
* мотор-редуктор — 1,
* сервомашинка -1,
* мотор-шилд — 1,
* УЗ-датчик — 3,
* аккумулятор, колёса и другая мелочёвка.

Схема соединения компонентов робота:
Схема соединения компонентов робота

Программа робота (Arduino-cкетч):

#include <AFMotor.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <NewPing.h>

Servo servo1;
NewPing sonar_center(16,17,250);
NewPing sonar_right(14,15,250);
NewPing sonar_left(18,19,250);
AF_DCMotor drive(2,MOTOR12_1KHZ);  //Created DC main drive motor 1, 8 kHz
/* You can set the speed of the motor using setSpeed(speed) where the speed ranges from 0 (stopped) to 255 (full speed). You can set the speed whenever you want.
To run the motor, call run(direction) where direction is FORWARD, BACKWARD or RELEASE. Of course, the Arduino doesn't actually know if the motor is 'forward' or 'backward',
so if you want to change which way it thinks is forward, simply swap the two wires from the motor to the shield.  Be friendly to the motor: stop it before reversing by using:
  motor(1, RELEASE, 0);

//Below we are creating unsigned integer variables which we will use later on in the code. They are unsigned as they will only have postive values
unsigned int distance_front;
unsigned int distance_left;
unsigned int distance_right;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 38400 bps

void loop()                                      //This block repeats itself while the Arduino is turned on
  servo1.write(86);                               //Rotate the servo to face the front
  distance_front = sonar_center.ping_cm ();                              //Send a ping, returns the distance in centimeters or 0 (zero) if no ping echo within set distance limit
  if(distance_front > 40 || distance_front == 0)        //If there is nothing infront of the robot within 40cm or the distance value is 0 (which for the newping libary means no ping was returned) then...
    drive.run(FORWARD);                          //go forward
    drive.run(RELEASE);                           //break
    servo1.write(30);                              //turn front wheel
    delay(250);                                   //slight delay
    drive.run(BACKWARD);                          //reverse motor...
    delay(3000);                                  //for 3 second
    drive.run(RELEASE);                           //break
    delay(500);                                   //time for breaking
    servo1.write(86);                              //turn front wheel
 distance_left = sonar_left.ping_cm ();                              //Send a ping, returns the distance in centimeters or 0 (zero) if no ping echo within set distance limit
 distance_right = sonar_right.ping_cm ();                            //Send a ping, returns the distance in centimeters or 0 (zero) if no ping echo within set distance limit
 if(distance_left != 0 && distance_left < 40)        //If there is nothing infront of the robot within 40cm or the distance value is 0 (which for the newping libary means no ping was returned) then...
   servo1.write(140);                              //turn front wheel
 } else if (distance_right != 0 && distance_right < 40)       //If there is nothing infront of the robot within 40cm or the distance value is 0 (which for the newping libary means no ping was returned) then...
    servo1.write(30);                              //turn front wheel
  }else {
    servo1.write(86); }

R3: Rolling Red Robot

По теме
Ардуино что это и зачем?
Arduino, термины, начало работы
Разновидности плат Arduino, а также про клоны, оригиналы и совместимость
КМБ для начинающих ардуинщиков
Состав стартера (точка входа для начинающих ардуинщиков)

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Что такое Arduino?
Зачем мне Arduino?
Начало работы с Arduino
Для начинающих ардуинщиков
Радиодетали (точка входа для начинающих ардуинщиков)
Первые шаги с Arduino


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Будущее за бионическими роботами?
Нейронная сеть - введение