Для создания такого робота потребуются:
* пара щёток,
* два самодельных вибромотора,
* миниатюрная версия контроллера Arduino,
* два фоторезистора,
* два биполярных NPN-транзистора (PN2222), для управления двигателями,
* цветные светодиоды, для отслеживания ботов при помощи системы компьютерного зрения,
* немного мелочёвки (резисторы, провода и т.п.)
Программы для swarm-роботов:
// This definition runs an early version of the script. With this script, the robot will occasionally check how // much light there is, and then turn left or right based on how much light it sees. The robot I was working with // had one photocell mounted on top and one mounted on this bottom, instead of to the left and right on the chassis. // LED int LED = 4; //Photo Resistors int photocellUPPER = 1; //Ambient photocell sensor - Upper Sensor int photocellLOWER = 3; //Turnaround photocell sensor - Lower Sensor int photocellUPPERreading; int photocellLOWERreading; //Motors int leftMOTORpin = 0; // connect leftMotor to pin 0 (PWM pin) int rightMOTORpin = 1; // connect rightMotor to pin 1 (PWM pin) int MOTORspeed; // in the setup, we're just going to turn on the LED's, which I had setup in pin 4 for this robot void setup() { analogWrite (LED, 255); } void loop(void) { // First off, we'll make a reading of the ambient light. photocellUPPERreading = analogRead(photocellUPPER); // Now we'll remap the photocellReading values to a range of values that work for our motors. MOTORspeed = map(photocellUPPERreading, 0, 1023, 0, 255); // Here's where the actual behavior is executed. // In this definition, the robot will go right if it's bright out, and left if it's dark. // After a second of this behavior, it then goes straight for two seconds. // This behavior makes it look like they're always "thinking" about what to do next, // hence the name "bristleTHINKER". analogWrite(rightMOTORpin, MOTORspeed); analogWrite(leftMOTORpin, 255 - MOTORspeed); delay(1000); analogWrite(rightMOTORpin, 255); analogWrite(leftMOTORpin, 255); delay(2000); }
// LED int LED = 4; //Photo Resistors int photocellLEFT = 1; //left facing photocell sensor int photocellRIGHT = 3; //Turnaround photocell sensor //Motors int leftMOTORpin = 0; // connect leftMotor to pin 0 (PWM pin) int rightMOTORpin = 1; // connect rightMotor to pin 1 (PWM pin) int rightMOTORspeed; int leftMOTORspeed; int leftMOTORratio; int rightMOTORratio; void setup() { analogWrite (LED, HIGH); } void loop(void) { //here we define the speed of the left and right motors as the ratio of brightness between the //two photocells. As the photocell on one side gets brighter, it slows down, turning //the robot in that direction. rightMOTORratio = (analogRead(photocellLEFT) / analogRead(photocellRIGHT)); leftMOTORratio = (analogRead(photocellRIGHT) / analogRead(photocellLEFT)); //this part turns our ratio into a usable speed for our motors leftMOTORspeed = (leftMOTORratio * 255); rightMOTORspeed = (rightMOTORratio * 255); //and this writes that value to the pin analogWrite(leftMOTORpin, leftMOTORspeed); analogWrite(rightMOTORpin, rightMOTORspeed); }
Видео работы:
BristleSwarm: Explorations into Swarm Robotics
По теме
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Ардуино что это и зачем?
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КМБ для начинающих ардуинщиков
Состав стартера (точка входа для начинающих ардуинщиков)