Чтобы сделать самодельный плоттер, вам понадобятся:
шаговые двигатели из двух старых DVD,
контроллер Arduino,
два драйвера двигателей — L293D,
маленькая сервомашинка.
Код для Arduino: Arduino_CNC_Plotter.ino
/* Mini CNC Plotter firmware, based in TinyCNC https://github.com/MakerBlock/TinyCNC-Sketches Send GCODE to this Sketch using gctrl.pde https://github.com/damellis/gctrl Convert SVG to GCODE with MakerBot Unicorn plugin for Inkscape available here https://github.com/martymcguire/inkscape-unicorn More information about the Mini CNC Plotter here (german, sorry): http://www.makerblog.at/2015/02/projekt-mini-cnc-plotter-aus-alten-cddvd-laufwerken/ */ #include <Servo.h> #include <Stepper.h> #define LINE_BUFFER_LENGTH 512 // Servo position for Up and Down const int penZUp = 40; const int penZDown = 85; // Servo on PWM pin 6 const int penServoPin = 6; // Should be right for DVD steppers, but is not too important here const int stepsPerRevolution = 20; // create servo object to control a servo Servo penServo; // Initialize steppers for X- and Y-axis using this Arduino pins for the L293D H-bridge Stepper myStepperY(stepsPerRevolution, 2,3,4,5); Stepper myStepperX(stepsPerRevolution, 8,9,10,11); /* Structures, global variables */ struct point { float x; float y; float z; }; // Current position of plothead struct point actuatorPos; // Drawing settings, should be OK float StepInc = 1; int StepDelay = 0; int LineDelay = 50; int penDelay = 50; // Motor steps to go 1 millimeter. // Use test sketch to go 100 steps. Measure the length of line. // Calculate steps per mm. Enter here. float StepsPerMillimeterX = 6.0; float StepsPerMillimeterY = 6.0; // Drawing robot limits, in mm // OK to start with. Could go up to 50 mm if calibrated well. float Xmin = 0; float Xmax = 40; float Ymin = 0; float Ymax = 40; float Zmin = 0; float Zmax = 1; float Xpos = Xmin; float Ypos = Ymin; float Zpos = Zmax; // Set to true to get debug output. boolean verbose = false; // Needs to interpret // G1 for moving // G4 P300 (wait 150ms) // M300 S30 (pen down) // M300 S50 (pen up) // Discard anything with a ( // Discard any other command! /********************** * void setup() - Initialisations ***********************/ void setup() { // Setup Serial.begin( 9600 ); penServo.attach(penServoPin); penServo.write(penZUp); delay(200); // Decrease if necessary myStepperX.setSpeed(250); myStepperY.setSpeed(250); // Set & move to initial default position // TBD // Notifications!!! Serial.println("Mini CNC Plotter alive and kicking!"); Serial.print("X range is from "); Serial.print(Xmin); Serial.print(" to "); Serial.print(Xmax); Serial.println(" mm."); Serial.print("Y range is from "); Serial.print(Ymin); Serial.print(" to "); Serial.print(Ymax); Serial.println(" mm."); } /********************** * void loop() - Main loop ***********************/ void loop() { delay(200); char line[ LINE_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; char c; int lineIndex; bool lineIsComment, lineSemiColon; lineIndex = 0; lineSemiColon = false; lineIsComment = false; while (1) { // Serial reception - Mostly from Grbl, added semicolon support while ( Serial.available()>0 ) { c = Serial.read(); if (( c == '\n') || (c == '\r') ) { // End of line reached if ( lineIndex > 0 ) { // Line is complete. Then execute! line[ lineIndex ] = '\0'; // Terminate string if (verbose) { Serial.print( "Received : "); Serial.println( line ); } processIncomingLine( line, lineIndex ); lineIndex = 0; } else { // Empty or comment line. Skip block. } lineIsComment = false; lineSemiColon = false; Serial.println("ok"); } else { if ( (lineIsComment) || (lineSemiColon) ) { // Throw away all comment characters if ( c == ')' ) lineIsComment = false; // End of comment. Resume line. } else { if ( c <= ' ' ) { // Throw away whitepace and control characters } else if ( c == '/' ) { // Block delete not supported. Ignore character. } else if ( c == '(' ) { // Enable comments flag and ignore all characters until ')' or EOL. lineIsComment = true; } else if ( c == ';' ) { lineSemiColon = true; } else if ( lineIndex >= LINE_BUFFER_LENGTH-1 ) { Serial.println( "ERROR - lineBuffer overflow" ); lineIsComment = false; lineSemiColon = false; } else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) { // Upcase lowercase line[ lineIndex++ ] = c-'a'+'A'; } else { line[ lineIndex++ ] = c; } } } } } } void processIncomingLine( char* line, int charNB ) { int currentIndex = 0; char buffer[ 64 ]; // Hope that 64 is enough for 1 parameter struct point newPos; newPos.x = 0.0; newPos.y = 0.0; // Needs to interpret // G1 for moving // G4 P300 (wait 150ms) // G1 X60 Y30 // G1 X30 Y50 // M300 S30 (pen down) // M300 S50 (pen up) // Discard anything with a ( // Discard any other command! while( currentIndex < charNB ) { switch ( line[ currentIndex++ ] ) { // Select command, if any case 'U': penUp(); break; case 'D': penDown(); break; case 'G': buffer[0] = line[ currentIndex++ ]; // /!\ Dirty - Only works with 2 digit commands // buffer[1] = line[ currentIndex++ ]; // buffer[2] = '\0'; buffer[1] = '\0'; switch ( atoi( buffer ) ){ // Select G command case 0: // G00 & G01 - Movement or fast movement. Same here case 1: // /!\ Dirty - Suppose that X is before Y char* indexX = strchr( line+currentIndex, 'X' ); // Get X/Y position in the string (if any) char* indexY = strchr( line+currentIndex, 'Y' ); if ( indexY <= 0 ) { newPos.x = atof( indexX + 1); newPos.y = actuatorPos.y; } else if ( indexX <= 0 ) { newPos.y = atof( indexY + 1); newPos.x = actuatorPos.x; } else { newPos.y = atof( indexY + 1); indexY = '\0'; newPos.x = atof( indexX + 1); } drawLine(newPos.x, newPos.y ); // Serial.println("ok"); actuatorPos.x = newPos.x; actuatorPos.y = newPos.y; break; } break; case 'M': buffer[0] = line[ currentIndex++ ]; // /!\ Dirty - Only works with 3 digit commands buffer[1] = line[ currentIndex++ ]; buffer[2] = line[ currentIndex++ ]; buffer[3] = '\0'; switch ( atoi( buffer ) ){ case 300: { char* indexS = strchr( line+currentIndex, 'S' ); float Spos = atof( indexS + 1); // Serial.println("ok"); if (Spos == 30) { penDown(); } if (Spos == 50) { penUp(); } break; } case 114: // M114 - Repport position Serial.print( "Absolute position : X = " ); Serial.print( actuatorPos.x ); Serial.print( " - Y = " ); Serial.println( actuatorPos.y ); break; default: Serial.print( "Command not recognized : M"); Serial.println( buffer ); } } } } /********************************* * Draw a line from (x0;y0) to (x1;y1). * Bresenham algo from https://www.marginallyclever.com/blog/2013/08/how-to-build-an-2-axis-arduino-cnc-gcode-interpreter/ * int (x1;y1) : Starting coordinates * int (x2;y2) : Ending coordinates **********************************/ void drawLine(float x1, float y1) { if (verbose) { Serial.print("fx1, fy1: "); Serial.print(x1); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(y1); Serial.println(""); } // Bring instructions within limits if (x1 >= Xmax) { x1 = Xmax; } if (x1 <= Xmin) { x1 = Xmin; } if (y1 >= Ymax) { y1 = Ymax; } if (y1 <= Ymin) { y1 = Ymin; } if (verbose) { Serial.print("Xpos, Ypos: "); Serial.print(Xpos); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(Ypos); Serial.println(""); } if (verbose) { Serial.print("x1, y1: "); Serial.print(x1); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(y1); Serial.println(""); } // Convert coordinates to steps x1 = (int)(x1*StepsPerMillimeterX); y1 = (int)(y1*StepsPerMillimeterY); float x0 = Xpos; float y0 = Ypos; // Let's find out the change for the coordinates long dx = abs(x1-x0); long dy = abs(y1-y0); int sx = x0dy) { for (i=0; i =dx) { over-=dx; myStepperY.step(sy); } delay(StepDelay); } } else { for (i=0; i =dy) { over-=dy; myStepperX.step(sx); } delay(StepDelay); } } if (verbose) { Serial.print("dx, dy:"); Serial.print(dx); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(dy); Serial.println(""); } if (verbose) { Serial.print("Going to ("); Serial.print(x0); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(y0); Serial.println(")"); } // Delay before any next lines are submitted delay(LineDelay); // Update the positions Xpos = x1; Ypos = y1; } // Raises pen void penUp() { penServo.write(penZUp); delay(LineDelay); Zpos=Zmax; if (verbose) { Serial.println("Pen up!"); } } // Lowers pen void penDown() { penServo.write(penZDown); delay(LineDelay); Zpos=Zmin; if (verbose) { Serial.println("Pen down."); } }
Программа для Processing-а: gcode_executer.pde
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import processing.serial.*; Serial port = null; // select and modify the appropriate line for your operating system // leave as null to use interactive port (press 'p' in the program) String portname = null; //String portname = Serial.list()[0]; // Mac OS X //String portname = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; // Linux //String portname = "COM6"; // Windows boolean streaming = false; float speed = 0.001; String[] gcode; int i = 0; void openSerialPort() { if (portname == null) return; if (port != null) port.stop(); port = new Serial(this, portname, 9600); port.bufferUntil('\n'); } void selectSerialPort() { String result = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame, "Select the serial port that corresponds to your Arduino board.", "Select serial port", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, Serial.list(), 0); if (result != null) { portname = result; openSerialPort(); } } void setup() { size(600, 400); openSerialPort(); } void draw() { background(155); fill(0); int y = 24, dy = 12; text("INSTRUCTIONS", 12, y); y += dy; text("p: select serial port", 12, y); y += dy; text("1: set speed to 0.001 inches (1 mil) per jog", 12, y); y += dy; text("2: set speed to 0.010 inches (10 mil) per jog", 12, y); y += dy; text("3: set speed to 0.100 inches (100 mil) per jog", 12, y); y += dy; text("arrow keys: jog in x-y plane", 12, y); y += dy; text("page up & page down: jog in z axis", 12, y); y += dy; text("$: display grbl settings", 12, y); y+= dy; text("h: go home", 12, y); y += dy; text("0: zero machine (set home to the current location)", 12, y); y += dy; text("g: stream a g-code file", 12, y); y += dy; text("x: stop streaming g-code (this is NOT immediate)", 12, y); y += dy; y = height - dy; text("current jog speed: " + speed + " inches per step", 12, y); y -= dy; text("current serial port: " + portname, 12, y); y -= dy; } void keyPressed() { if (key == '1') speed = 0.001; if (key == '2') speed = 0.01; if (key == '3') speed = 0.1; if (!streaming) { if (keyCode == LEFT) port.write("G91\nG20\nG00 X-" + speed + " Y0.000 Z0.000\n"); if (keyCode == RIGHT) port.write("G91\nG20\nG00 X" + speed + " Y0.000 Z0.000\n"); if (keyCode == UP) port.write("G91\nG20\nG00 X0.000 Y" + speed + " Z0.000\n"); if (keyCode == DOWN) port.write("G91\nG20\nG00 X0.000 Y-" + speed + " Z0.000\n"); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP) port.write("G91\nG20\nG00 X0.000 Y0.000 Z" + speed + "\n"); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN) port.write("G91\nG20\nG00 X0.000 Y0.000 Z-" + speed + "\n"); if (key == 'h') port.write("G90\nG20\nG00 X0.000 Y0.000 Z0.000\n"); if (key == 'v') port.write("$0=75\n$1=74\n$2=75\n"); //if (key == 'v') port.write("$0=100\n$1=74\n$2=75\n"); if (key == 's') port.write("$3=10\n"); if (key == 'e') port.write("$16=1\n"); if (key == 'd') port.write("$16=0\n"); if (key == '0') openSerialPort(); if (key == 'p') selectSerialPort(); if (key == '$') port.write("$$\n"); } if (!streaming && key == 'g') { gcode = null; i = 0; File file = null; println("Loading file..."); selectInput("Select a file to process:", "fileSelected", file); } if (key == 'x') streaming = false; } void fileSelected(File selection) { if (selection == null) { println("Window was closed or the user hit cancel."); } else { println("User selected " + selection.getAbsolutePath()); gcode = loadStrings(selection.getAbsolutePath()); if (gcode == null) return; streaming = true; stream(); } } void stream() { if (!streaming) return; while (true) { if (i == gcode.length) { streaming = false; return; } if (gcode[i].trim().length() == 0) i++; else break; } println(gcode[i]); port.write(gcode[i] + '\n'); i++; } void serialEvent(Serial p) { String s = p.readStringUntil('\n'); println(s.trim()); if (s.trim().startsWith("ok")) stream(); if (s.trim().startsWith("error")) stream(); // XXX: really? }
DIY Arduino CNC Drawing Machine
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